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Why I won't support Giuliani

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Wide White: Why I won't support Giuliani

Friday, October 26, 2007

Why I won't support Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani is courting the support of recent presidential race dropout Sam Brownback.

I doubt he has it, but whether he does or not, I couldn't support him. Here's why:
Giuliani, pressed on whether he would describe himself that way [pro-choice], said: "You know what I am."

"I've described it in the past," Giuliani said. "I've opposed abortion. I'd like to see a society in which there is no abortion. I think you have to get there by changing people's minds and hearts. I'm not in favor of changing the law and the right that presently exists.

"But I do think I'm in favor of everything else that would limit the number of abortions, that would increase the number of adoptions and that would move us in the direction of many fewer abortions," Giuliani said. "And if we could get to no abortions based on people's decision-making, I'd be in favor of that."
Regardless of your view on abortion, you've got to admit that's quite the dance he's got going around the issue.

People don't typically ask you for your view unless they're confused and need you to clarify it. Giuliani refuses to clarify his view. Let's review his statements:
  • "I've opposed abortion" doesn't mean you inherently DO oppose abortion.
  • "I'm not in favor of changing the law and the right that presently exists" leaves people to wonder if you'll be willing to change what exists in the future.
  • "I do think I'm in favor of everything else...." Are you serious? You expect us to believe that this helps clarify your position?
  • "...move us in the direction of fewer abortions..." Yes, let's get moving in a direction. Such a politically warm phrase; such a beacon of inactivity.
  • "And if we could get to no abortions based on people's decision-making, I'd be in favor of that." Um, this is something EVERYONE is in favor of!!! This does absolutely jack squat to clarify his position
Giuliani failed to shed any light on his position on abortion and, surprisingly, apparently failed to break a sweat as he danced his way around the questions.

Pro-choice or pro-life, I can't support a candidate who runs kittywampus around the issues and fails to communicate clearly and directly.


Blogger Kara Jo declared,

Well put, Joey.

10/30/2007 9:28 PM  

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